Bloodscore Library

Tag: Cholesterol

Better Cholesterol in 90 Days!

The natural way to improve your cholesterol With your Bloodscore report in hand, you can focus on optimizing your cholesterol balance or getting lower cholesterol naturally. We’ll work together to help you get more of the good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and less of the the bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and triglycerides. Most health care providers […]

Cholesterol Basics: Why does cholesterol matter?

Cholesterol: What’s it all about? High cholesterol, or hypercholesterolemia, is generally caused by a number of lifestyle and genetic factors. Luckily, with small changes in diet, exercise, and stress patterns, we can make a big impact on our cholesterol balance. Cholesterol makes up an essential part of the cells in your body, necessary for survival. […]

Sneaky Fit Challenge!

90 DAY Sneaky Fit Challenge: Sneak a little more movement into every day for 90 days! Small changes can really add up to make a big difference in your health. Over the next 90 days, your goal is to take advantage of every opportunity to sneak a little more exercise into your day. Don’t quit […]

Whole 90 Challenge!

90 DAY Whole 90 Challenge: We’re taking Whole 30® to the next level! If you are serious about committing to better health, then this 90 Day Challenge is for you. We created this challenge based off of the Whole 30® program, developed by Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig. Whole 30® is a nutrition reset program […]