Bloodscore Library

Tag: Blood Sugar

Just Breathe Challenge!

90 DAY Just Breathe Challenge: Complete two 4-7-8 Breathing Cycles per day for the next 90 days! If you are considering joining a 90 Day Challenge, it doesn’t get any easier than this one. Seriously– it’s just breathing. You do it all day every day, but did you know that focusing on breathing just a […]

Sneaky Fit Challenge!

90 DAY Sneaky Fit Challenge: Sneak a little more movement into every day for 90 days! Small changes can really add up to make a big difference in your health. Over the next 90 days, your goal is to take advantage of every opportunity to sneak a little more exercise into your day. Don’t quit […]

Whole 90 Challenge!

90 DAY Whole 90 Challenge: We’re taking Whole 30® to the next level! If you are serious about committing to better health, then this 90 Day Challenge is for you. We created this challenge based off of the Whole 30® program, developed by Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig. Whole 30® is a nutrition reset program […]

The Secrets to Natural Blood Sugar Control

3 Steps to optimal blood sugar control Even the healthiest people should monitor and work to optimize their blood sugar. Sugar seems so harmless, but you now know that too much sugar in your blood for too long (hyperglycemia) can lead to permanent body damage (e.g., heart disease, blindness, kidney failure and more). The good […]

A1C Test Quick Facts: When and why to test your Blood Sugar

Which blood sugar test is right for me? The blood sugar (glucose) test has been around for a long time–it’s nothing new.  For people with Diabetes, it’s a major part of their everyday way of life.  So, why are we taking the time to learn more about the ol’ blood sugar test? Blood sugar control […]

Blood Sugar Basics: What you don’t know about blood sugar can hurt you!

You know the basics about blood sugar… At least you think you know the basics, right? Your blood sugar spikes in response to eating foods laced with sugar—including things that we traditionally think of as healthy like fruits, some vegetables, and grains. When your blood sugar is too high for too long (medical people call […]