A1C Test Quick Facts: When and why to test your Blood Sugar

Which blood sugar test is right for me?

The blood sugar (glucose) test has been around for a long time–it’s nothing new.  For people with Diabetes, it’s a major part of their everyday way of life.  So, why are we taking the time to learn more about the ol’ blood sugar test?

Blood sugar control is key to longevity

Optimal blood sugar control is important to your health and longevity. If you want to live long and live well, then you must maintain control of your blood sugar. To know if you have your blood sugar under control, you need to test it. Using outdated and inadequate blood tests are a waste of time and blood. You need the right test to properly monitor your blood sugar.

You need the right test to properly monitor your blood sugar.

Not all blood sugar tests are created equal

The good news is that testing your blood sugar is simple. There are two main types of blood sugar tests:

  1. Point-in-time blood sugar tests
  2. Average level blood sugar tests (you want this one!)

Point-in-time blood sugar tests

Diabetics who test their blood throughout the day are using the point-in-time type of blood sugar tests. They use a tiny needle to poke a finger, collect a little drop of blood onto a piece of paper inserted into a device, and they get a nearly immediate reading of their blood sugar (glucose) level. Easy! This blood sugar test tells you your current blood sugar level – and that’s it.

Average level blood sugar tests

The other type of test measures average blood sugar levels over a period of time. More specifically, it’s called Hemoglobin A1C, also known as A1C, for short. There’s a little more science and technology involved here, but the take-away is that A1C gives you a more long-term idea about your blood sugar levels over the previous 90 days, give or take. If you are trying to improve your wellness and gain insight into your metabolism, this is the ideal test.

The A1C test result is the average of your blood sugar level over approximately the last 90 days.

What’s the best blood sugar test for improving wellness?

Average level testing, or A1C is a great blood test for people trying to improve their wellness, monitor, or optimize their health. Because it’s not a point-in-time test, and instead an average review of your blood sugar levels, it’s hard to cheat the A1C test. If you don’t know your A1C, then you don’t know whether your blood sugar is optimal.

What to look for in the best blood sugar test:

  • Accurate and precise
  • Easy-to-use
  • Meaningful results
  • As painless as possible
  • Reasonable cost

There are lots of A1C tests on the market and in development. Most of the tests require large volumes of blood taken from your arm at a lab or your doctor’s office. What a pain!
Bloodscore’s A1C test is the simplest do-it-yourself test available. The A1C test is part of the Bloodscore Health Check test kit. You collect a small sample at home, mail it to the lab for free, and receive easy-to-understand results on a private, interactive dashboard.

How Often Should I Take a Blood Sugar Test?

If you are serious about optimizing your health, you can monitor your A1C every 90 days. Make a lifestyle change (e.g., diet or exercise program) or try a new supplement and see if it improves your A1C and your Bloodscore.

If you don’t know your A1C, then you don’t know if your blood sugar is optimal.

We love the A1C test so much that we added it to our Bloodscore Algorithm. Now, it’s part of the Health Check test that Bloodscore members take every 90 days.

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