Bloodscore Library

Category: Cholesterol

Lipid Panel Test Quick Facts: When and why to test your cholesterol

Which cholesterol test is right for me? Cholesterol test technology has been around a long time, and there are many options for testing your cholesterol. But which test is right for you? We’ll help you find the best test to meet your health goals. You need to know more than just your Total Cholesterol score. […]

Better Cholesterol in 90 Days!

The natural way to improve your cholesterol With your Bloodscore report in hand, you can focus on optimizing your cholesterol balance or getting lower cholesterol naturally. We’ll work together to help you get more of the good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and less of the the bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and triglycerides. Most health care providers […]

Cholesterol Basics: Why does cholesterol matter?

Cholesterol: What’s it all about? High cholesterol, or hypercholesterolemia, is generally caused by a number of lifestyle and genetic factors. Luckily, with small changes in diet, exercise, and stress patterns, we can make a big impact on our cholesterol balance. Cholesterol makes up an essential part of the cells in your body, necessary for survival. […]