Better Cholesterol in 90 Days!

The natural way to improve your cholesterol

With your Bloodscore report in hand, you can focus on optimizing your cholesterol balance or getting lower cholesterol naturally. We’ll work together to help you get more of the good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and less of the the bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and triglycerides.

Most health care providers will recommend that you begin by making one or more lifestyle changes. This means changing up something you do (or don’t do) on a nearly daily basis. If changes in your diet, sleep, and exercise habits don’t make a big enough change in your total cholesterol, then a supplement or natural remedy might be right for you. Some people will also need prescription drugs to fully optimize their cholesterol.

Where can you make a change?

Your total cholesterol score is comprised of HDL (good cholesterol), LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. Certain lifestyle changes have more impact on the different components of your total cholesterol. For example, research shows that moderate daily exercise (e.g., walking briskly for 60 minutes per day) improves HDL (good cholesterol) more than it impacts LDL or triglyceride scores. But, in general, the three lifestyle changes below will impact all three components of your total cholesterol to best optimize your cholesterol balance.

3 Lifestyle changes to optimize Total Cholesterol

  1. Daily moderate exercise (e.g., brisk walking for 60 minutes per day)
  2. Eat better (e.g., whole foods, Mediterranean Diet, and more)
  3. Better daily habits (e.g., more sleep, no smoking)

Additional lifestyle changes that contribute to more optimized total cholesterol include over-the-counter supplements that target total cholesterol balance or individual components. Some of the Bloodscore Best Products are highlighted below.

Do your best to commit to one of the lifestyle changes associated with optimal total cholesterol balance and then measure your Bloodscore 90 days later to see if you improved your Bloodscore and your health. The Bloodscore Health Check includes a full lipid panel, so you will know your total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides and more.

Eat better for better cholesterol

Diets low in carbohydrates and sugar are correlated with improved cholesterol balance. Members with optimized cholesterol seen improvements with the Mediterranean Diet, Low Carbohydrate diets, Paleo diets, and more.

Exercise for better cholesterol

There is a large collection of research out there about exactly which types of exercise best optimize cholesterol. If you are looking for the greatest impact overall, then research shows that prolonged moderate intensity exercise best improves HDL, reduces LDL and reduces triglycerides. An example of the ideal exercise is brisk walking for 60 minutes per day.

Additionally or in place of prolonged moderate intensity exercise, resistance training (e.g., weight lifting) has great impact. The type of resistance training that makes the biggest improvement on total cholesterol is high repetition/lower weight movements. In other words, lower weight and more reps for each movement. Ideally, a resistance training session would also last about an hour per day.

Daily habits for better cholesterol

What if you could sleep your cholesterol away? 8 or more hours of sleep per day has been associated with more optimal cholesterol balance. Reduced stress, daily meditation, and mindful breathing are also associated with improved cholesterol. And, if you smoke, you know you need to quit!

Supplements for better cholesterol

There are lots of over-the-counter supplements and natural remedies that might improve your total cholesterol or individual components (e.g., HDL, LDL, triglycerides). Always talk to your healthcare provider about any new therapies, and you might need a prescription medication if your total cholesterol is in a high-risk range.

Visit the Health Shop to learn more about products that have been selected based upon upon systematic literature review and Bloodscore Member Reports.

Find what makes you healthy!

Bloodscore helps you figure out which lifestyle change is likely to work best for your health goals. Bloodscore’s Shop products are backed by clinical evidence and selected by our Members because they work. That’s a good start, but we don’t stop there!

As you track your total cholesterol score over time, you will easily see whether your lifestyle change is improving your health. We also give you personalized insight about lifestyle changes that are working well for other people with scores like yours.


*Discuss all new supplements, remedies, and medications with your health care provider and take as directed. These dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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